Welcome to the 18-25 Ministry page. This is a small group geared towards those in the "college age" range who desire to do life together!

Check out what all is going on and ways to plug in below!

Follow us on Instagram! Click the icon below! 

Weekly Small Groups

Sunday Small Groups

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

This is our "Sunday School" class! 

Midweek Home Group

Fellowship - Bible Study

Tuesdays - Starts @ 6:30 p.m.


Come with us! 

This will be a great time of Praise, the Word, and Fellowship! Click on the pic to see what the Cross Conference is all about and who will be leading!

See one of our leaders or reach out to get more details about CrossCon, the cost, etc. 

October Bonfire!

Time and Date coming soon so make sure to follow us on Insta for the update! 

Meet the team that leads the 18-25 Ministry!

Nate & Holly

Treavor & Kristin

Need more info? Looking to connect? Reach out to us by submitting the info below!

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started. (Let us know if you prefer Email/Phone Call/or Text in your message.)