
We view the church not as a location, but as a group of people working together to reach our community and our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To accomplish the vision, our mission is to "stir up one another to love and good works" (Hebrews 10:24). We believe a true, known and proven disciple is one who abides in the word, loves one another and bears much fruit. Each disciple is one who is
- D1evoted: daily growing in surrender to God's will for our lives through abiding in God's Word and worship.
- D2eveloped: seeking to speak truth in love to one another in the gathering, with our family, strangers, and in intentional disciple making relationships with others.
- D3eployed: Living Sent as we go by intentionally investing in the lives of people around us as we proclaim Christ through the gospel beginning in McMinn and going to the Ends of the earth.