Small Groups

Sunday Small Groups

(Sunday Small Groups)

Sunday Mornings 11am-12pm

Wednesday Small Groups

(Mid-Week Discipleship Groups)

Wednesday 6:30pm-7:30pm

One of the main goals for the EBC Sunday School Ministry is to be both a thriving and growing ministry. Thriving in the sense that it is spiritually and relationally healthy. Growing in the sense that individuals are being reached for Christ and new classes are being birthed on a consistent basis.

These Sunday School Classes meet in the main building

These classes are designed to take you further into community and study of the word. All Classes Meet at 11am unless otherwise noted

Up with the Son - 8:30am

Scott Thompson
All Ages and Stages
Room 101/102 (Right side of Worship Center)
*No Childcare provided


Jon Lattimore & David Baker
All Ages and Stages
Worship Center


Scott Thompson & David Myers
All Ages and Stages
Room 101/102 (Right side of Worship Center)

Wall Builders

Cliff Boggs
Ages 55 and above
Room 105

These Sunday School Classes meet in Creasman Chapel

These classes are designed to take you further into community and study of the word. All Classes Meet at 11am


Treavor & Kristin Crisp
Nate & Holly Crisp
Ages 18-25 (College & Career)
Room 3202

Family Matters

Heath & Staci Frazier
Newlyweds to Seasoned Couples
Room 3300


Nathan Trentham & Adam Mullins
All Ages and Stages
Room 3000 (Main Chapel)

King David

Cliff Boggs
Ages 55 and above
Room 105

Young Marrieds

Jonathan & Amanda Kyle
Matt & Jackie Coleman
Young Married Couples
Room 3101

Mid-Week Discipleship Classes!

Moments Matter

Teacher: Vince Brown

Class #101 (Through the doors on the right of the Worship Center)


"A variety of topics are covered that families deal with daily, specifically using the Sermon on the Mount"

Men's Bible Study

Pastor Jonathan Kyle

Located in the Wall Builders Classroom
 (located in the classroom behind the left side of the Worship Center).


This study will trace the doctrine of atonement from Genesis through Revelation.

Inductive Study on the Book of Matthew

Teacher: Heather Lattimore

Located in the 5th grade room in children's wing.


"Each week we will open our Bibles together, do key word studies, learn from cross referencing, and walk away with a deeper understanding of God's word from the book of Matthew."

Interested in more information about our small groups?
Contact us below !

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